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East London Community Law Service can only achieve its goals with the assistance of generous donations from members of our community and businesses. Without these donations, serving those in our area would not be possible. Since our organisation relies on the generosity of individuals like you, we ask you to consider a donation to our cause. We hope that you will help support our efforts. Your generosity will make a difference in our community by allowing us to continue our work.

Account holder name: East London Community Law Service

Bank name: The Co-operative Bank

Account number; 65004782

Bank Sort Code:08-90-30

We thank you in advance for your generosity.







Other Advice Services


We also provide legal advice and other services including representations and appeals in the following areas:

1. Welfare Benefits
2. Debt
3. Housing
5. Community Care

Training & Support Services

We provide training and support services to the local community. At present, we are working on three projects:


1. NASS (National Asylum Support Service): We provided advice and ancillary services to the newly arrived asylum seekers.

2. ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages): The classes are held twice a week with a flexible schedule.

3. Health Advocacy: In partnership with the Community Health Project Walthamstow, Leyton and Leytonstone Primary Care Trust (PCT), a Refugee Support Psychologist visits the Refugee Advice Centre periodically to provide support and service to our clients.

 Domestic Violence

According to a research, 'domestic violence' currently claims the lives of around two women a week, and affects millions more people. Therefore, we are determined to prevent domestic violence happening or recurring, to protect and support its victims, and to bring offenders to justice. read more

 Call us now : 020 8558 1865